A lesson learnt
I was very touched by the sermon today. Not just by the demonstration of washing feet, but rather the lessons I have learned. I must admit that I was shocked by the washing feet demo, really never expected it. Though I am still pondering why the need to use shower gel, 😛 I am deeply amazed that Uncle Roland actually personally washed the feet of those he invited on stage. He was really trying to demo what Jesus did for his disciples. To be very honest, I dare not say that I would wash the feet of others. But I do think I can do some “feet-washing activities” as suggested during service today. 🙂
It was mentioned that when we are hurt and find it hard to forgive, we have to learn to release by faith. How true that is! If you have read my previous post, I said that I get hurt by people’s words and tones. And many a times, I find it hard to forgive. In the event that I forgive, I hardly forget. But if you were to think back, God forgave me for the many rubbish I did, so I should learn to extend this to other people.
It was also said that it is easy to love the loving, but do we love by faith? How true again! It is certainly easy to love those who love you and are nice to you, after all, I think it’s human nature. But when people don’t treat you well, can you still love them? I do know of some people that personally I find it very difficult to love them because of what they have done. Guess I have to start to learn to love them now…
I really really like the lesson taught on servant leadership. This is something that I have been trying to teach the kids. I learnt this from my big boss, he is an excellent example of servant leadership. Though I try to model it as far as I can, I know sometimes I still fall short. And it takes time to change the mindset and culture. But I am very inspired by today’s sermon, so I shall endeavour to practice it even more. Hopefully, the kids will eventually catch on. 🙂
A question was posed towards the end of the service : Would you mind if someone calls you at 3am? That got me thinking. To be honest, I won’t mind. Not trying to be noble here, but I seriously won’t mind. If someone is troubled enough to call me at 3am, it probably must be something serious. And I would want to be there for that person in need. 🙂 Although I also wonder if I would hear my phone ringing…Â 😛
I find that I do enjoy helping people. I feel happy when I am able to help people do things, even if it’s simple stuff like getting something from the store. However, I will feel very stressed if what is asked of me is beyond my capabilities. So the next time you need a favour, you can try asking me. But please don’t let it be something too challenging…Â 🙂
Today’s sermon really struck many chords with me. I met with a setback recently and it hit me hard. To some, it may be nothing, but to me, it’s a big thing. When I first knew of it, I repeatedly asked God, “WHY ME? WHY ME?” It became difficult for me to pray, even though I knew that was the right thing to do. I just wanted to hide in my little shell and hopefully not have to come out and face reality. I appeared fine to people around me, but deep down inside, I was not fine at all.
I don’t know if the rest noticed, but at the end of the service, what was said was “… after you have suffered a little, God will bring you further…” I felt my hopes lifted when I heard that. I have decided to place my faith and trust in God, trust that He will bring me through, trust that all things are possible with Him, trust that He is my almighty father.
Shall go and enjoy my black raspberry wine, before getting a good night’s rest. Have a good week ahead, dear friends! 🙂